Wednesday, 23 October 2013

8:00 PM : 5 hour's of more coding left. I am still setting up the css property and handling the javascript for popbox login. Only the front page popbox is able to include the fields. Other pages does not suport the href links.
So, i come up with an idea that not to use the drop box for login. In replacement to that Id replace with fields using javascript will work.
3:00 in the morning, and the login backend + user profile code is still remaining. 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

I have started writing code for the login authentication. It's 5:00 in the evening and another 9 hours of coding is left. After spending a long time on CSS style clash and php login session interference with wordpress sessions, i have to comeup with an optimal solution which uses same sessions to work. However, i ignored the  "session cache limiter" for now and all the databases retrieval are working just fine.

2:00 AM at night : Finished working for login authentication. With proper wordpress header() and footer(). Need to add some more contents to extend the look and feel of the website. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Just had 2 hour's of rest after having some excruciating boredom of college lectures. It's 4:00PM and i've got to finish with the security aspect of the login authentication which was up yesterday.
It includes proper message passing between the registration and login pages. Using Md5 encryption for password and  an email confirmation to avoid spam.
I believe that this much security would be enough to handle the traffic and will prevent the DB to be stolen by the college users.
3:00 AM in thr morning still a lot of coding left.